Genevieve now has 8 teeth. 2 of them (ok, 4 of them!) can't exactly even lay claim to the status of 1/2 way out - but you can see all 8 of them. Jackson? He wails and gnaws on occassion, but he still has only the 2 faithful bottom front teeth. We hope to see more from him soon.
We almost have a walker! Genevieve will take up to 8 steps (the most I've seen) before tipping over. I think she'll have it mastered in the next couple weeks, but we'll see! We haven't managed to coax more than 1 step (if I'm being generous) out of Mr. Jackson. If you hold food out in front of him he lunges for it with his mouth, opting out of using his feet to get closer. Perhaps when Genevieve and Bentley are both walking on 2 legs he'll decide to get with the program?
I told Jackson I was going to post about Genevieve's teeth and walking skills, but that I was afraid it might make him look a little behind the ball. So what is Jackson exceptionally good at? He's good at being almost 1 yr old! I just requested the first 2 books in a set on child development from my library (a series often recommend, by Louise Bates if you're interested!) - and I received a note from the library that the 1st one is in: "Your one-year-old: the fun-loving, fussy 12-24 month old". This description is Jackson, perfectly. He's an advanced 11 month old, apparently, as he's already fitting the 12-24 month old label. :-) Jackson can be a riot, he has a great laugh and loves to share big smiles. A minute after the big smile, however, he's capable of producing big tears. He's all over the board some times!
Both the kiddos love to eat. We try for variety around here. They're big fans of everything from cream of wheat to watermelon to sausage to peanut butter and jelly. It's rare they find a food they don't like. On occasion they're not in an eating mood, but when they're not being fussy they're quite willing to eat whatever I want to try on them. I really appreciate this.
As for speaking... we get the occasional mama, dada, hi, and hey out of the twins. I've heard no more from Genevieve a couple of times, and sometimes Jackson produces entire sentences - not that we understand them, but it sures sounds like he's trying to communicate something important to us!
And, that's it for now! In closing, here's a shot of the cherubs:

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