Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bentley Speaks!

I was looking back at some old blog posts, and realized that I haven't yet posted on the fact that my oldest child SPEAKS! I know he has been speaking for quite some time - but there's just something about having 100 + words AND the ability to put them in sentences. Something finally clicked and he is coming up with all sorts of new additions to his vocabulary. He copies back what we say all the time, adds input of his own to conversations, and has quite a good sense of grammar for a 2 yr old! He knows the difference between me and I and uses the appropriate form for what he's saying - isn't that clever? :-)

Bentley knows all sorts of new words. In the animal category we have zebra, yak, and sea otter. In the color family we have pink, yellow, beige, teal, and white joining the famous blue. No green yet though! In the body parts arena we have eyeBALL (not just eye anymore!), tummy, and hair. Peppers, noodles, Reeses, milk, and water have shown up in the food section. In the manners category we have please. Finally! Please! It joins sorry, and now we need to master thank you.

It's gratifying to finally hear all the words we speak bounced back at us. It gives me so many more chances to laugh because it's fun to know what's going on in that cute little head. We were driving down a busy road the other day and Bentley told me "stop! I walk". I guess he thought the weather looked nice, and he wanted out so he could go on a little walk.

His ability to talk has highlighted his persistence. He has the ability to repeat the same thought over and over and over (20 minutes? 30 minutes? A time period far too long is all I know for certain!). When he wakes up some mornings he is consumed with the desire to leave the house, and I hear "My coat, my shoes, Mommy's car"... over and over. And over and over. I think he knows he's torturing me, but he won't stop!

Most of all, I'm enjoying the fact that 1 of the under 3 foot crowd in the house can have conversations with me. I know they all understand me but it's definitely rewarding to have meaningful (or at least somewhat meaningful) 2 way conversations. :-)

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