Monday, June 29, 2009
All About Jackson

All about Genevieve

Genevieve is helpful. Most of the time. Once in a while when you ask her to do something she offers a simple "I can't!".
The 2 Year Stats
Interview with the barely twos
Those Chairs Again...
Interview with a Bentley
I like to wear my sleeper at bedtime. I like to put my clothes on in the morning. I like to eat breakfast in the morning. I like to sit on the couch. I like to jump and run. And I like to wear bracelets. I like to help somebody when they’re scared. I like to eat candy. I like to get postcards. I like to get magazines. I like to play basketball outside. I like to look at maps. I like to eat cookie dough and I like to make cookies with you (talking to me!) and I like to make poppy seed muffins and cranberry muffins. I like to go see bears somewhere. I like calling Grandma Vicki. I like getting new cars.
I like pigs.
And then it was really the end.
He's a talkative little guy sometimes!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Birthday Fun Times

Once they woke up we got right to business. 1st up? Another chair shot, of course! The "official" chair shot is upcoming in another post, but here they are with their birthday balloons.

Next on the agenda? Some horsing around with cousin Ben, while I did some more work on the birthday cakes.

Once I finished my work on the cakes the twins got busy. Their job? Sprinkle beautifucation. Jake had a chocolate cookie cake with crushed up oreos in it and a chocolate glaze on top.

Genevieve had a berry poke cake. A white cake with lots of holes poked into it, which we poured sweetened condensed milk and 3 berry icecream topping into. We had a coolwhip based frosting for her cake. She was in a sharing mood - unlike Jake, she was willing to let Bentley help her with the sprinkles. He was glad. :-)

Bentley has been just as excited (more so, even?!) as the twins about this birthday day. Cake to eat and presents to play with? He was in a great mood.

The finished cakes. My Mother and I make their names out of candy to put on the top of the cakes. Just in case they forgot which cake belonged to who! We ate cake at lunch time and had Grandpa Tim and Tyler (Grandma Karen is out of town), as well as Uroma and Uropa and Ben to celebrate with us. As well as the usual suspects who live here, of course.

They are a little neater with their eating than they were last birthday.

Next up? Present time! Genevieve was very excited about this part of her birthday. The first thing she said upon waking up was "open presents!".

Jake made a valiant effort at opening gifts, but lost focus easily. Luckily for him his older brother was there to help him with some of the gifts. :-)

Everyone checking out the new play kitchen!

Lastly? Picture time on the back deck!
Happy 2nd Birthday Kidlets! It was a fun day.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Twinsies: 10 Pics from Year 1
Thankful Thursday #7
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Time Saver?

What is he doing?! He is getting a drink of milk from his Foogo Thermos! Jake discovered that he could save himself the trouble of removing the thermos from the fridge door and returning it there, if he simply took a drink from the thermos while it's still in the door. Bentley and Viva have tried out Jake's time saving method, but they don't do it often. It's not really that easy!

This technique is only recommended for very short people with good knees and supple backs.