Monday, June 29, 2009

All About Jackson

Jackson is a sensitive little soul. We can't leave him alone at church nursery; he cries when he discovers we're gone. We can't even always get away with leaving him home with his Dad or Opa while we go to bookclub. He sometimes cries at the door for an hour straight.

Jackson is a wild guy. He jumps and runs and giggles. He loves to do whatever his older brother is doing.

Jackson is very neat (the doctor says orderly is the word). He eats Cheetohs with a wash cloth in one hand, wiping his hand clean between every bite. Weird? Yes. Adorable in a neurotic way? Absolutely!

Jackson is sweet and cuddly--when he's in the mood. He charmed his Uroma with random kisses and hugs. He has the best smile--it's big, beautiful, and infectious.

Jackson is particular. He likes things to be just so. He cleans the floor whenever he finds a spill on it. He is the one who puts up a fuss if we leave home without someone or if we drop someone off somewhere to find their own way home. He finds such anamolies very disturbing.

Jackson is very persistant. When he knows what he wants he won't be distracted from it.

Other trivia?

As mentioned already, Jackson is Bentley's biggest fan. Bentley isn't always as nice to his little brother as he could be, but Jake is dedicated nonetheless.

Jackson LOVES cookie dough. The mere mention of it has him over by the mixing bowl demanding his share, and hyperventiliating if it isn't delivered immediately.

Jackson has a dog obsession. When we are out and about dogs will catch his attention even quicker than construction vehicles.

Jackson is going to be a hurdler. He's been practicing his long jumps, and he's quite impressive!

Jackson loves the playground. He spends most of his time there going down the slides or playing with balls.

Jackson is a great train builder. He designs some lovely tracks with curved pieces. A future engineer? Maybe.

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