Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bentley's Book

Bentley made this book back in November. It was stashed away in his paper bin, but it deserves a post on the blog, so I dug it out and had opa photograph it.

Bentley came up with the idea and the wording all on his own. He asked me for help with stapling the book together and with spelling. (I spelled armour the British way.)

Did you read his instructions? It's a fantastic book. Bentley has made a few different pieces of paper armour, so he's writing about what he knows. The only question I have is...isn't paper armour an oxymoron?

Here's a sample of some recent drawings B made:

And here's a recent watercolor he did:

When he gave the watercolor to opa, B explained that he had written each word in a different color so it was easier to read. We have been trying to educate him about blank spaces between words, but he's not taking our advice. His idea of changing colors is a good one, but rather time consuming.

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