The cat is generally a well-behaved creature, but there are times when he is not. We've posted before about how we glue claw covers on his claws to prevent him from attacking the children and the furniture. They work very well, but they fall off when the claws grow out. Then the cat does bad things. He gets aggressive and attacks the children. The other day Bentley and the cat were playing. Jake was doing his own thing, but he was in the wrong spot and cornered the cat accidentally and so the cat attacked him. Here is a very bad photo (did I mention how much I hate our new pocket camera?) of the damage bad kitty did.

Later in the day, Jake and he were buds again. But the kitty continued to make poor choices. He cornered Bentley in the play tent. I told Bentley to attack the cat before the cat attacked him, but Bentley didn't act fast enough. Bentley wasn't hurt, just a little terrified. The cat is smart enough to leave Lincoln alone. That is something that would absolutely not be tolerated.
Kara and I been meaning to replace the claw covers that have fallen off recently, but we didn't until Monday evening when the cat attacked the furniture and I asked the kids to grab him and so he attacked them. That was it. Kara and I drug him upstairs and pulled out the superglue. Bad kitty.
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