Friday, February 08, 2008

Mr. Finicky

Bentley can be quite finicky at times. He doesn't like the labels in shirts when they stick out at odd angles and tickle his back. I told his mother we should cut the labels out (and I did on one of his shirts), but she said he should learn to live with it. (There you have the basic difference between a mother and a grandmother. The mother tries to teach her child to adapt to their environment. The grandmother tries to make the environment adapt to her grandchild.)

This evening he was again being finicky (fastidious?). He loves peanut butter cookie dough. I held out the cookie bowl thinking he'd take a piece of dough using his fingers. He has before. Instead he leaned down trying to angle his entire head into the bowl. He stopped short of accomplishing his goal.

He opted to eat dough off the counter top rather than touch it. He was in a most odd mood!

Of course, he'd eat any dough I'd offer to him on my fingers. Who can fathom the mind of a two year old?

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