Monday, February 11, 2008

Sibling Love

Bentley is a wonderful big brother. Most of the time. He really likes his brother and sister. He has been interested in them since they first arrived home from the hospital. It's true that the first four months or so he showed a marked preference for Genevieve, but now he gives Jackson equal attention. Usually it's fun to be the object of his attention. He plays with them.

He bonds with them in zen moments.

He gives them massages (whether or not they want one).

He makes them laugh.

He loves to hold them and lay on top of them.

The last activity--laying on top of them--is not so popular with the twins. They usually protest. He regularly gets in trouble for doing it, but he continues the practice nonetheless.

We took a great video of Bentley hugging (wrestling?) with the twins one evening, but Kara says we can't post it here on the blog because our seeming lack of adult intervention could be mistaken for child abuse. Nonsense, although the video gives the impression of unsupervised mayhem, I was positioned close by prepared to step in when the situation warranted it. I rescued the babies when Bentley became overzealous. (I told Mark he should have shown me intervening when necessary instead of editing out every one of those moments.)

Disclaimer: Babies are seldom damaged--and never permanently--in the taking of our photos.

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