Saturday, October 26, 2013

Evan on the Move

When you have four older siblings (who are not that much older), there are many opportunities to take advantage of distracted adults. Such an opportunity happened Thursday evening after I got Evan dressed for bed. I gave him a new diaper and put on his sleeper. I handed him off to Kara (not literally, but figuratively!) to make his bottle and get him to bed. Then I left and went upstairs.

I sat down at my computer in my bedroom. B & J came in to take a shower in the master bathroom. I worked away. I was in the zone! Next thing I heard was shrieking from Bentley. "You shouldn't be in here!" I ignored him until I heard the word Evan. HUH? Wasn't Evan downstairs with him mother? Or better yet in his bedroom going through his nighttime routine?

No. He was not. He was sitting on the floor of the shower getting thoroughly wet. Score one for him. He had left his mom, climbed the stairs, walked within inches of my chair as I sat my computer, and then climbed in the shower. 

Evan enjoyed his shower with his brothers and then was redressed by his mom and put to bed. (Kara claimed the debacle was my fault for not shutting the gate to upstairs. I believe it was her fault for not making his bottle right away which was what I thought was happening so I intentionally left the gate open.)

Evan is very good-natured unless you are uncooperative when it comes to one of his strong desires. Earlier that evening Kara was with the trio at karate and Mark and I were in charge. I left the main floor to go downstairs to cut some fleece to run a quick test in the washer on it. Evan discovered I was gone and he could hear me, so he went to the gate and started shrieking. (He didn't want me, he wanted downstairs.) Mark took him away from the gate, but he went right back and continued his assault on our ears. He kept it up until I gave in and let him come downstairs. He immediately returned to his usual sunny nature. (Part of the problem was the time of day it was. Near bedtime he is not as even-tempered.)

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