I thought I'd write down some trivia about the grandchildren. Small details that don't warrant an entire post, but are nonetheless interesting little facts. (Note: It's my post so I get to decide what's interesting!)
Jackson is starting to stand more on his own, but utterly refuses to take a step. NOT HIS THING. Genevieve is a good walker now. She can walk without falling down and walks as often as she crawls, but she has a Frankenstein-like gait. She puts her feet wide apart. I guess it gives her better balance, but it makes for lurching steps. You try walking with your feet spread further apart then your shoulders.
Both twins are quite good at going up stairs. It's hard to keep track of two babies when they don't crawl at the same pace. They aren't as good at going down stairs.
Genevieve hates to be locked up. When she is put in her crib for a nap she screams loudly for a couple of minutes being going to sleep. When I put her in the play yard at my mom's to keep her out of trouble, she instantly starts crying. She likes to roam around.
Jackson is much mellower during both of these operations. He's better about going down for naps and he doesn't usually cry when put in the play yard--unless Genevieve's bad mood sets him off. (I bet his mom was startled to see me use the word mellow in conjunction with Jackson, but it's TRUE!)
We all love to hear Bentley talk. He and his Grandma Vicki had a long conversation on the phone recently. (His mom said it was a thirty minutes conversation?!) He says most words quite clearly, although he often holds onto the end sound a little longer than is typical in our culture. It's very charming. He uses pronouns correctly, too.
His vocabulary often surprises me. He knows all kinds of words that I don't think of as common. I'm not talking about words like excavator--he doesn't say that yet. (It has too many syllables, I think.) I meant words like tip. That's not a common word. The other day I asked him if he was going to the playground with his mom. He told me, "No, park!" The child is a grin a minute.
The twins continue to please their mother greatly with their willingness to try new foods. They usually like them, although occasionally they will spit something out repeatedly. Jackson is a little pickier than Genevieve. He's easier to feed, though, because he will open his mouth wide. Genevieve barely opens her mouth and then traps the spoon with her little teeth and sometimes you have to wrestle the spoon back from her.
Bentley still turns down almost all new foods, but once in a while he surprises us and gives something new a try. Yesterday he tried and liked pepperoni. If he likes it, he'll ask for seconds and then want more at the next meal. Some of his favorite foods are grapes, peppers, peanut butter cookie dough, noodles with butter, and string cheese.
Jackson still puts a lot of small toys into his mouth. He particularly likes single block Mega Blocks and trains. Genevieve isn't as likely to put toys into her mouth; instead she eats dirt and the kitty's tail. Yuck.
The twinks are quite good at using Sip-A-Mugs. Jackson likes to drink from it himself, but if you leave it in his hands he's quite likely to pour a goodly amount of the drink on himself.
Well, that's a few trivia facts about the grandchildren. They are awesome.

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