Friday, September 05, 2008

Bentley Breaks Out of the Crib

Yes, you read right. Bentley, not Jake or Viva, has hit a new milestone. A couple of years behind some of his peers, perhaps - but I thought it worth recording nonetheless. He has figured out how to climb out of his crib, at the tender young age of 31 months!

This morning I was engaged in the daily get the kids up & dressed routine and as usual Bentley, ever the considerate older brother, insisted that Viva & Jake get their fresh diapers and outfits for the day first. He was waiting in his crib but upon seeing Viva playing with a toy he wanted he told me: "I want out, Mommy!". I replied "You'll have to wait, sweetie!". He replied: "I could climb out myself", and I said "I bet you could!".

He climbed out, said "wow"!, and then climbed back in, back out, back in, and back out. Jackson watched with rapt attention. I wonder if I'll be seeing this trick from little brother in short order?


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