For example, Bentley, the helpful older brother, sometimes opens the door to the supposed-to-be-off-limits back room. The twins rush into the room with glee. I remove Jake to the hallway outside the door and return for Viva. Before I can grab Viva and get her out of the room, Jake is back in the room. I repeat the procedure. Same results. This time when I take Jake out, I shut the door between us. He starts sobbing at the injustice of my action. When I open the door to remove Viva, Jake falls into the room. I have to scoop them both up in my arms to finally clear the room. This is only possible because they are small toddlers. If they were hefty toddlers, I would not be able to handle two of them at once. (Perhaps if they were hefty, they would not be more nimble than I am?)
If getting them out of the upstairs back room is difficult, try getting them to climb the stairs at the same time. Jake runs down the hallway to the family room while Viva climbs the first flight of stairs. By the time I return with him, Viva has changed her mind on going upstairs and is heading back down. If I want a quick resolution to the problem, I carry one upstairs and put him/her on the other side of the baby gate at the top of the stairs and then return for the other. It is possible--but not really safe--to carry them both up the stairs at the same time, but if the baby gate is closed, it becomes an even trickier situation. Of course, the baby gate shouldn't be closed if the inmates are located elsewhere, right?
Another situation when double trouble is multiplied to more than two is when you try to feed the dear little darlings. If Jake is not in the mood to eat and starts spitting his food out, then Viva starts spitting her food out, too. Lovely...NOT. If Viva throws her food on the floor, Jake joins the game.
Here's a few photos I had Mark take recently while I was trying to get Jake and Viva to eat lunch.
Viva prefers eating her bib to eating the food.

Jake sticks his hands in front of his face, making it very hard to get the spoon in his mouth.

Viva tries to take her bib off.

Viva tries harder.

Jake helps Viva take her bib off.

Do you see what I mean? TODDLER TWINS ARE EXHAUSTING. Fortunately they are also adorable, amusing, and extremely loveable.
1 comment:
Hey, do you think that you and I were that entertaining as twins Julie?! We need to ask mom for some twin stories. Maybe we were just boring kids!
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