Bentley continues to explore different drawing and painting techniques. If you were to see a portfolio of his recent ink art, you'd see that his style has changed significantly. He's doing a lot more short, intense bursts of lines rather than sprawling, all over lines. He does a new artwork for me almost every Sunday (during sacrament), so I have a notebook to do comparisons from. You'd have to ask his mom about his latest painting strokes. I know that he likes to paint with both acrylic and water colors.

The twins are not given free reign with either pens or paint. Is it because they are too young? Or is it because there are two of them? I'll have to look back through our photos and see when Bentley first started his self-directed art training.
Viva is very good at stacking cups and blocks. It rather surprised me. Jake is the more focused twin. He's the one who sits and works on a project for a while. I thought he'd be the stacker, but it's Viva. She is very good at it. She gets the job done quickly--and then moves on. Jake likes to knock down stacks. I think deconstruction is a strongly ingrained male trait. (Not that I haven't met some young females who are masters at destruction...oops...deconstruction.)

Jake is the stretcher. He is always trying to get to the door knob or the light switch or whatever is just out-of-reach. He will get on his tippy-toes and stretch his little hand as far as he can.

Viva looks up at the out-of-reach object and doesn't even try to grab it. Why waste her time or energy?
Balls are still a major play item for the boys. Bentley is starting to catch the ball once in a while when you throw it to him. Jake throws balls with quite good aim and he delights in dumping the ball bin.

Viva isn't much interested in throwing or catching balls. She will on occasion carry one around and chew on it. She gets mad if Bentley takes it away, but I don't think she really cares much at all about balls. She's still The Wanderer, The Explorer, The Don't-Pen-Me-In Girl.

Bentley's doing 24 piece puzzles on his own! He's already mastered the African plains puzzle I purchased him a couple of weeks ago. I've ordered a 24 piece dinosaur puzzle. I purchased a 48 piece puzzle, too, but he's not interested in it yet. Whenever we start it, I end up doing almost all the work.

The trio are starting to play together more. Sure, they still have squabbles now and again, but they also have lots of good times together.

1 comment:
What a good Grandma for keeping a notebook with your grandson's artistic creations!
I was just saying to Brook (as I pulled out one of the 597 creations that the boys have made at daycare from their bag), "what are we going to do with all of this artwork? We can't throw it away!". Maybe the key is to cut out the 'highlights' of the artist's creation and put it in a this what you do, or do you keep the whole shibang?
Go Viva, Go! You are a stacking-machine!
My boys are with Jake---destructo-men!
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