For months now--ever since Viva became an expert walker--I've thought of her as the more difficult twin. She's hard to keep track of. She likes to wander from one end of the room to the other and then back again. You never know where she is or what she's up to. She often operates in stealth mode.
Jake, on the other hand, is more apt to sit down in one spot and play for a while. Sure, he'll get up and move regularly, but not constantly. Even after he became a good walker, he was still easier to keep track of. Or so I thought.
After spending some recent one-on-one time with both of them, I have to admit I was wrong. I apologize to Viva for labeling her as the problem child.
I learned that Viva is easier to keep track of than Jake is. Jake may not operate in stealth mode--he likes to make noise as he wreaks havoc--but he's faster. He runs from one location to the next. You think he's in the kitchen only to find out he's in the downstairs bathroom.
He loves the computer room. He will run in there if the baby gate is open and quickly climb up on my computer chair and then he will attack my keyboard. One time I found he had opened up FreeCell. I had to tell him that NO ONE is allowed to play FreeCell on my computer except me. I have a 96% win ratio and I don't take kindly to others messing it up.
So, Viva is not the problem child. At least not this month.
It is so funny how the kids keep trading this title! Oh, so true though...
Oh my! You need to password protect your FreeCell game! That would not fly with me and I don't even have that high of a win ratio! :)
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