My brother Jimmy came to visit from Utah to surprise our mom for her birthday. He stayed for five days. The children were delighted to have someone new to entertain them. They have met Jimmy before, but it was three years ago and that's a very long time in the life of a four and six year olds. Nevertheless they got very chummy, very quickly. Except for Lincoln who kept a suspicious eye on Jimmy his entire visit, but that's pretty typical for six month olds.
The older three had a great time with Jimmy. Even though he told me he doesn't like board games, he was a good sport and played a few with the children. Viva amused her great uncle by her random actions when playing Sequence. Her lack of strategy infected her twin who had been playing intelligently before Viva joined the game. After wasting her wild card on her first turn, she then quit the game. A few minutes later when asked by her brothers she told them what was in Jimmy's hand. Huh?! We don't normally play games that way. Do the children want us to look bad?!
This was how Viva gained access to what was in her great uncle's hand:
Viva was having such a good time with her great uncle that she invited him to stay a couple of years. We told her he had to go home to his children and grandchildren. They would not like it if he stayed with us for too long.
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