Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mr. Bentley and the Baby

My oldest and my youngest!

Aren't they cute, even with those side burns the stylist gave my Bentley at his last haircut?  (I normally do the haircuts, but with the recent hectic pace of life... we had to resort to Great Clips this summer!)

Bentley doesn't gush about Evan quite as openly as the twins do.  I think that's due to personality though and not due to lack of affection.  Bentley is a great older brother.  He is very sweet with Lincoln and all that practice makes him a pro with new little man.  He is always willing to read next to Evan during Evan's "play time" on the floor and always greets him when he comes into a room where he is.  I'd report on more interaction but, to be honest, our 2.5 week old doesn't do many tricks (besides looking awfully darn cute) - so there isn't more to report.  Yet.  

Love these boys!

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