Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Play Pen Arrives

Lincoln likes Evan.

I like that Lincoln likes Evan.

But, sometimes, it seems that maybe the exuberance is a bit much for Evan to handle.  He's just not quite big enough to handle the affection of a 15 month old brother yet!  And I'm not sure his brain should be accepting so many loving thumps!

An illustrated example...

Look Mom!  Evan's playing!  I'm going to play with him.  Maybe I'll pat him on the head:

Maybe with vigor!

What do you mean, I can't do that?!

So, finally, I have given in.  We brought up the play pen from downstairs so that Evan can get some quality time in with his play mat.  I didn't use a play pen at all with Lincoln - I like to say he was free range!  But, alas, having a younger older brother comes with some cons.  So off to the pen it is.

And thus, it seems, Lincoln will be the only of my 5 children to have the distinction of never being in a baby cage!  Congrats to you, kiddo!

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