Monday, April 01, 2013

Me Me ME

Lincoln is a 6 year old trapped in the body of a 19 month old.  Or, at least, I am quite sure that's how he thinks of himself.  This morning was a great (and typical) illustration of this sad tale.

Art time for the older kids.  We were getting set up at the table to watch our Ateliar Art Lesson video and Lincoln drags an extra chair over to the table.  I started handing out supplies and, of course, Lincoln wanted paper and markers too.  I told him he couldn't have markers which made him cry.  For some reason I was possessed with the not-so-brilliant idea that the Dot Markers were a better choice for him.  Since they don't seem to be water soluble and the regular markers are that was pure brilliance on my part.  I think his hands may be permanently green?

But I digress.  He wanted to participate.  First we did warm up time with the small scratch paper.  Then I handed out the big 12x18 paper for our masterpieces.  I waited to see if he would expect a sheet of his own.  And, of course, being the 6 year old that he is he did!

Break time!  Off to eat our pumpkin bars.  Lincoln pulled out a new *quirk* - he no longer wants to use the plastic plates, but was quite adamant about the fact that he wanted a nice ceramic Fiesta plate, just like the older three.  For someone without a large vocabulary he is still able to communicate awfully well.

I, being the pushover I am, gave him the plate.  He was happy.  For a time.  Until the light sabers showed up and there wasn't one for him to participate in the grand fight... :)

It's an awfully good thing Lincoln has a little brother all of his own or I'm afraid he would permanently be trying to catch up to the "pack".  Who knows what's next?!  I'm guessing he's going to learn to ride a bike without training wheels this summer (said with only SOME sarcasm).

I told Evan I don't want to rush him but I'm pretty sure Lincoln is ready for him to learn to walk.  And talk.  And eat real food.  All sorts of good things!

Here's the cute guy (because no blog post is complete without a picture) helping me make cookies.  I was surprised (but shouldn't have been!) when he wanted to measure and pour all the ingredients for me - that's what big kids do, right?

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