Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cute as a Bug

Evan is a climber.  He climbs chairs and climbs on tables.  He falls off of chairs (thankfully not off of tables yet though....).  We take him down and he comes back.  He's just so darn pleased with his skills (can't you see in this picture?!) that he can't, for the life of him, understand why he shouldn't be allowed to be at the table and doing whatever he wants.

Last month, when he started sharpening his climbing skills, he wasn't *quite* tall enough to use the steps on Lincoln's chair (or his) to get up the table.  (We have Stokke adjustable seat chairs for the kids.)  His older brother Bentley's chair, and Jake's, have the foot rest set down lower so it's easier to grab on and climb up for a small person.  Evan, however, just couldn't come to terms with the fact that he could climb one set of chairs and not the other.  He would shriek and shriek as he tried to pull himself up the platform that was just a *bit* too high.

Should I consider that perseverance, a valuable life skill?  I think yes.

I'm reading a book called The Talent Code, and the author shared some study results showing that most of the world's fastest runners are younger (or youngest) children - the theory being that from early childhood on they are always rushing and stretching to catch up.  Poor (lucky!) little guys!

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