Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Return of Nap Time! And Bed Time!

I am quite proud of myself.  This past month it has become obvious that Lincoln is only two and still needs naps, despite his intense desire to do whatever his older siblings are doing.  I've humored for a while due to 1) his cuteness 2) my tiredness 3) my distraction.  But the evenings get awfully long for little people who don't nap.  So it's back to nap time we've gone.  We had to ease into it, and for a little while it was a bit of a trick getting out of the room after laying him down - there was a day or two he screamed and screamed.  But now?  Happy boy is starting to return due to healthy amounts of sleep.  Although he does still say "no way, not me!" whenever the topic of nap is introduced!

With nap time conquered I went crazy and decided to reclaim my evening by instituting an earlier bedtime for Lincoln too.  Lincoln likes to hang out with the older kids in the evening after Evan goes to bed, and it's nice to have him there for story time and more - but once he gets TOO tired then it's even harder to get him to bed, and it's WAY past the time of night Evan wants a screaming friend thrown in his room!  So Lincoln has become rather accustomed to my bed.  And he is cute - but he wasn't sleeping well.  So now he's back in his bed, going to bed earlier... and life is good!   (Even if Lincoln and Evan do *chat* for an hour before sleeping.  I'll call it bonding time.... )

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