Monday, July 20, 2015

Cub Camp Week

Very excited and NOT getting to sleep early enough before camp started the eve before - too excited to sleep (and perhaps the midnight sun and the tent didn't help... !

So cute in their uniforms:

Daddy was there on hike day!

This past week was Cub Day Camp.  The boys had a great time but reported that it was quite tiring.  The theme this year was something to do with knights and castles.  BB Guns, dodge ball, shield making, camp fires, and more.  Jake struggled a bit with the long days and the early start (6:30!) and ended up missing Thursday, but other than that it was a grand week.  :)

Matt went out to help on Thursday and reports that it was indeed jam packed with fun times - he saw one of the cub groups sneaking off for a nap time after lunch!  :)  Matt calculates we have another 15 years of Boy Scout camping to go - crazy times!  

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