Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ballerina Time!

It is, once again, recital time of year!  Genevieve's class lucked out (in her opinion) and were cast in another pink costume for this performance.  I like to call it the cupcake costume!  First Viva's class had a 5 hour (FIVE HOUR!) dress rehearsal on Thursday.  Genevieve tells me they didn't try on the dresses at the dress rehearsal.  And this after I'd carefully prepped the costume with pink duct tape on the inside seams before hand!  Yes, I had a brilliant brainstorm - Genevieve doesn't like itchy seams on outfits, and it doesn't seem to sway her when I argue that sometimes beauty has a price.  Or, as I heard a teacher put it, "Great!  It's itchy!  That's how you KNOW it's a beautiful costume".  :)  Anyway... to avoid the big itchy seam I bought a roll of beautiful pink duct tape and we covered the seam on the inside.  Brilliant, right?  I'm not sure if Geneveive was properly impressed with my genius.  But she didn't complain about the costume so that's a plus!

So.  A 5 hour dress rehearsal and then the next day Viva and her buddy Cassidy headed downtown at 5PM to prepare for the big event. I did my best to dress up our regular dance day hair into something a bit fancier:

And then off she headed with her buddy Cassidy!  Matt, Jake, and I went to see her show this time.  At $25/ticket I couldn't quite bring myself to take EVERYONE!  The show was just as entertaining as the Christmas recital. I think Genevieve did a great job!  

Afterwards I tried to get her to stop for a moment with her twin for a picture or two.  They were a bit goofy, of course, and my iPhone capture its usual *quaint vintage* (aka slightly blurry!) pictures.  :)

Then it was time to get home!  Matt and the boys still had some packing to do for their flight to South Dakota that was taking off at 5AM.  Opa and Viva did a great job getting some gorgeous ballerina pictures:

I think Opa should be a professional dance photographer!

To sum it up?  Viva had a great time, and this has been a fun experience.  Her teacher tells me she's done great work with her leaps and skips this year, and from observing Viva and her class I can say (without bias!) that's she's very flexible - a pro if you want to be a dancer!  Next year she would still be in the same "pre ballet" class so we're going to try something different, and then when she's a year older she can decide if she wants to continue with a strictly ballet (and perhaps jazz) type of focus at Anchorage Ballet, or if she wants to keep going with a different type of class.  We shall see!

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