B is quite self-disciplined. When he finds a new interest he pursues it ardently. He sets goals and works hard to accomplish them. He usually has a plan and he tells us what it is and how we can help him accomplish it. He can be a little bossy at such times, but his enthusiasm for his goals is admirable and impressive. (Quite frankly, sometimes I want to slow him down! He can be over zealous!)
B is usually up and reading or playing chess when his siblings arrive downstairs in the morning. Sometimes he has already started on his schoolwork for the day. He is always the first one finished with his schoolwork and it's not just because he's the oldest. (I don't think he'd like a 15 minute break every hour!)
B is a picky eater and that is an issue for him and us. We encourage him to try new foods and he refuses. Maybe his taste buds are super sensitive?
B is a great big brother. He is very patient with and kind to E. He plays well with L when asked to. He's not as nice to J, but they are good friends most of the time.
B can be a worrier. He worries about being late to karate. He really dislikes wind storms and scary movies. He's cautious about new adventures, but once he feels comfortable, he's a very confident kid. B likes leading. He asks his karate sensei to let him lead classes which is something most students his age avoid.
Some of B's favorite things/activities that I have noticed are: reading chess board games (strategy games) Legos karate Cub Scouts
I asked B to tell me a few more of his favorite things/activities: swimming taking hot, hot showers camping biking running weapons class (karate)
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