V continues to be quirky and contradictive. On one hand she is all girl. She loves dresses, long hair, crafting, and gymnastics. On the other hand she's a tom boy. She competes with her brothers, reads their books, plays with Legos, and wrestles with them. She is convinced she is stronger than her brothers because of her 12 hours/week of gymnastics training. (She is definitely more flexible than they are!)
V is quite creative. She likes to craft items of her own design from duct tape. She is always busy working on a project or reading. She likes to sew and although she is a beginner sewer, she isn't afraid to make up her own pattern. She likes to spend time alone in the mudroom working on her projects. She doesn't like to show off a project until she is finished with it. She generously gifts away her projects. She is not a hoarder....well, except of craft supplies!
V is a good student, but not always attentive. She would rather do her own activities than schoolwork. Sometimes additional supervision is needed to keep her on task. V and J can be a bad influence on each other.
V is usually in a good mood. When she isn't we are often clueless as to why she is upset because she doesn't like sharing her feelings with others. She prefers to sulk in private which makes it easier on us, but if we don't know why she's mad we can't help her solve the problem. She likes to puzzle things out on her own.
V is very observant of the people around her. Her comments on life and people are very insightful. She loves to read the comics and seems to understand them. V is a loyal twin to J. She is a fantastic playmate to L. She is a great helper, although she hates to vacuum. She likes to bake.
Some of V's favorite things/activities that I have noticed are: gymnastics reading duct tape the comics fairy tales sewing
I asked V to tell me a few more of her favorite things/activities: bubble baths crafts soap making allowance movies
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