Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Countdown to Valentine's Day!

Earlier this week Genevieve and I picked up some Valentine's Day M&Ms at the store, and they've been sitting in the cupboard taunting us to eat them.  So we used them to make pre-Valentine's Day celebration cookies today.  It's 1/14 - only one month until the big day!

Ok.  Seriously.  I know that the fact that it's exactly one month until Valentine's Day is not REALLY a reason to celebrate.  I just needed to reassure Grandma, who's busy lounging around in Hawaii, that I am being kind to the children and keeping my cool while home *alone*.  :)

 Plus every new day together is a good enough reason for celebration and cookies!

(Evan was napping and Genevieve was away at gymnastics, or we would have included them in our cookie creation fest.  Rest assured, they helped us eat them!)

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