Last Saturday Bentley asked me to take him to the library. He had six books on hold and he wanted them in his hot little hands. I agreed to take him. Before we left home we collected all the books that we wanted to return to the library. We had three large, heavy bags of books--50+ books.
There was one book checked out to him that Bentley couldn't find. It had been missing for two weeks. Bentley had been reading the book and he left it laying around somewhere and Viva picked the book up and started reading it and then she left it laying around somewhere. Neither of them had finished the book because it was lost. Both of them were sure the loss was the other person's fault, so neither of them looked for it very hard. Eventually I found it stashed on Viva's school shelf with the binding facing the back of the shelf making it hard to identify if you simply scan the shelves (which Viva and Bentley did) instead of searching the shelves (which I did). I think Kara probably shoved it on Viva's shelf when clearing off the school table and that's why Viva didn't know it was there.
Opa came to the library with Bentley and I. He noticed a small poster stating that a replica of the TARDIS was on the fourth floor of the library. Seeing as Opa and Bentley are Dr. Who fans, we had to go check this out. FYI: In the TV series Dr. Who the TARDIS is a time machine and spacecraft that resembles a police telephone box. (Don't know what a police box is? I didn't, so I googled it! Quite interesting!)
It turns out that the library staff built the TARDIS with the help of an engineer who likes to create full-size cardboard replicas. They made a minor error in calculation (they forgot to add in the additional width of the corner posts!) and they couldn't fit the finished TARDIS on the service elevator to get it downstairs. Bummer! It would have attracted a lot of attention in the main lobby.
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