Lincoln is a great kid. He's enjoyable to be with. He's pretty low key and even-tempered. He doesn’t get angry easily. (He will hold a grudge for a few hours to a day if you make him mad, but then he moves on.) He can be very chatty and he expects you to listen and respond intelligently. He's a good kid and easy to (grand)parent.
L is usually obedient and follows the house rules. Like his oldest brother B (who monitors all his younger siblings), L will enforce the rules when E breaks them. Such enforcement usually ends in a wrestling match. We have asked that he not police E, but L's instincts for rule following are too strong.
L likes hanging out with B, J, & V and he joins them in some of their activities like dress-ups, but mostly he plays with his best buddy, E. They play together while the older three do schoolwork. They watch out for each other especially at night, offering comfort if needed. (Kara hears them on the baby monitor.)
L is very independent. He insists on dressing himself. If you inadvertently help him, he gets quite upset going so far as to take his clothes off and put them back on himself just to make sure you understand that he does not need or want your help. L can be stubborn if he doesn't want to do something. He's really clever and comes up with counter arguments to your reasons why he should do it.
L is persistent if he wants something. He will ask for it again and again and again. He will remember any promise you make to him. On the other hand, he is quite patient and is willing to wait while you finish a chore before helping him. He's even a good sport if you forget and he has to remind you. He's a gem, he really is.
Some of L's favorite things/activities are: books & more books building Legos Lego minifigures Magformers Rat-a-Tat Cat (game) Busytown (game) iPad time bath time Looney Tunes
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