E is the youngest, but he's no baby. He is 2 going on 10. By his next birthday he plans to be top dog of the pack. (Kara read a book about athletes and it reported that the fastest runners were often youngest children.) E is a quick learner and he is eager to try out all the activities that the older children participate in.
E is super inquisitive. He gets into things that his older four siblings left alone. He insists on plugging in any dangling cord, which is not good because his little fingers easily fit between the two metal prongs. Kara removed the carbon monoxide detector on the main floor rather than fight with him.
E has lots of energy. From the time his feet hit the carpet in the morning until we put him back in his crib at nap time, he is going, going, going. He almost always naps because he needs to refresh his battery for the afternoon and evening shift. Evan has a hard time finishing a meal if something is going on in his line of sight. He leaves the table and joins the action.
E really likes things to be orderly. He puts things away--not only his stuff, but other people's stuff. If he find my iPhone laying around, he brings it to me. He likes helping to clear out the dishwasher.
E is adorable. He's got a great smile and he will use it to get and keep your attention. At church on Sunday he flirts with whoever is in the pew behind us. Of course, he'd never go sit with them because he's a momma's boy, but he will flirt with them.
E knows his ABCs and numbers because of an iPad app, not because we have taught them to him. (iPads were not out yet out when B, J, and V were his age, so they didn't get a chance to learn their ABCs via apps!) He knows his colors, too. Great-grandma quizzes him on them while he helps her set up her Colorku game.
Some of E's favorite things/activities are: giraffie Ramses stuffed animals puzzles books about vehicles iPad time hot wheels bath time Chima key chain
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