Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Backyard Fun

Last month Kara posted about how she had the playhouse moved to the backyard. It looked great down there. The moose visited. The mosquitoes hung out, but not so much the children. On Saturday I went down to the playhouse to do some landscaping work. The playhouse slide ended near in a patch of alder bushes. The few times the children had used the slide they had to hang on tight to the sides so they controlled their descent and didn't face plant into the alders. I decided to solve that problem by removing the alder patch.

I came prepared with a hefty ax (I couldn't find the hatchet) and my trusty pruning shears. It was a lot of work because the ax handle was too long. Stepping on the alder bush helped to clear the way to hacking away at its base, but it also put me too close to the bush to be able to fully swing the ax. My pruning shears are small ones, so I couldn't do a good job on the base of the shrubs. Despite the handicaps I hacked away until I removed all the plants for six feet or more in front of the slide. I even pulled up a trio of young spruce trees.

Bentley showed up half way through my project and offered to help haul off the shrubs. He brought me the wheelbarrow. He tried out the slide and pronounced it much better. (It was!) As I finished the job Viva and Jake came down to checkout my work. They stayed and were joined by the girl next door with her friend. The five children played together for the next three or more hours. It was good to see the playhouse back in use.

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