Monday, July 01, 2013

Evan The Great is 9 Months Old

Evan is almost a year old!  He is:

- angelic when sleeping (as evidenced by the head shot!)
- still toothless
- a happy baby, best biggest infectious smiles ever
- independent (wanders all over and entertains himself)
- given to shaking his head back and forth in a slightly odd way
- easy tempered except for when he wants something, and then he wants it NOW
- a good eater - loves oatmeal, yogurt, and rhubarb desserts...
- a good napper but not a great sleeper at night
- a super fast crawler
- roly poly (but it's all muscle, of course) check out these knee folds:

- quite fond of quiet time in his crib when he wakes up
- strong
- a grabber - he favors Daddy's glasses
- easily amused - he can often be found laughing at his siblings
- vocal, although still not given to many words in particular (he says dada but not deliberately)
- a delight!  Babies are, of course, a lot of work.  But even so we're so lucky to have him around. :)

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