Genevieve is turning into a super duper standing machine. She's been pulling up on everything in sight since she started crawling, and just this past couple of weeks she's started pulling up to standing on people and then letting go to practice her balance. We've noticed in the past week that she can sometimes stand for a good 10 seconds before (gracefully) returning to sitting.
Today Genevieve stood up in the middle of the kitchen - from a sitting position - without grabbing onto anything for assistance. I think that's a very impressive trick!
Yesterday I introduced Genevieve and the back of the scooter car. I showed her that if you hold onto the back it can be used as a walker to get you where you want to go. She used it to walk from one side of the dining room to halfway across the living room (plowing over toys in her way) last night.

And what about Jackson, you ask? If we're lucky we can convince him to stand on his own for a couple of seconds, but it's not something he practices without prodding! As for the scooter car - he leans backwards while holding onto it which causes him, and the car, to fall over backwards. He'll get the hang of it, but he's not quite there yet!
1 comment:
Kara, thank you so much for your kind words on! What a help to know that someone else is pretty much at the same stage and can understand the frustrations as well as the joy!! Today has been an okay day here at the Cole house! The girls went crazy while I was trying to get their lunch out. Do you feed yours at the same time? I put them both in their highchairs and while I am shoveling it into one mouth the other one if she isn't going to be fed! It is crazy!! Well, they are both screaming now so I have to run. I would love to chat. My email is
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