Lately when Bentley is visiting us he prefers to have not one, but two containers of water available for quenching his thirst. When he first started requesting two containers of water, I thought it was because they were different types of toddler cups. One was a small, disposable sippy cup and the other was a large sip-a-mug. He'd have me fill one and then he'd want a second, different one.
He has a third type of sippy cup at our house and he tried a few times to get me to fill that, too, but I drew the line at two. (Sippy cups are not easy to wash!) Lately for his two water cups he wants the blue sip-a-mug and the green sip-a-mug filled. The green sip-a-mug used to be at his house, but his mom gave it to me to be used by the twins. I have a third sip-a-mug that is pink and Bentley refuses to use it. I'm not sure why he doesn't want to add it to his collection. My newest theory is that the desire for two containers of water is some type of ownership ritual. They are both his mugs and he wants to mark possession by using them.
You might be wondering why I indulge this odd little ritual. My thinking is that it's harmless and not that much extra work. How often can you make someone happy simply by giving them a second cup of water?!
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