Just in case Bentley does start a campaign to win Genevieve over to truck and train books, I and Kara have already launched a counter campaign. Last week while at Michael's (with a 50% off coupon!) Kara bought Genevieve The Pink Princess Cookbook. We asked Genevieve if she wanted it (after all she could be a tom boy and want no part of the princess culture), and she gave us the biggest smile ever. She grinned at every page we showed her.
And not only are we converting Genevieve to liking princesses, but Bentley has shown an interest in princess books, too! Matt gave Genevieve a Disney princess book for Christmas. Bentley quite likes the Cinderella story. I think it's the frequent use of the word ball (invitation to the ball, making a ball gown, going to the ball, etc.) that engages his interest. It doesn't seem to bother him that no balls are shown in the book's illustrations. So now that we have Bentley on board, hopefully Jackson will give in to peer pressure and not present any opposition. We'll offer to bake him something yummy from the Pink Princess Cookbook.
PS If you are anti the princess culture, here's an interesting article: "In Defense of Princesses" at http://www.thesimon.com/magazine/articles/dispatches_nyc/01301_in_defense_princesses.html
1 comment:
If I had a girl, I'd be all about the princess cookbook! After so much "boy stuff"...I could use a little pink in my life!
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