We don't have to travel for the adventures and fun times, as I often feel like I live in a crazy zoo house with wild creatures:

What's new around here?
Blue. The mysterious perplexing and somewhat frustrating blue. Bentley uses the term blue in many many phrases - and although we've put some time into trying to puzzle out what it may mean we're still unsure. But it's very blue around here!
Jackson is regressing in the crawling arena. I reported a while back that he had perfected a "normal baby" crawl, but he's moved past that. He now crawls like: a) a baby wearing a dress (which I assure you is odd because we don't put him in dresses!), b) a monkey, or c) a bear (Great Grandma's take on the odd posturing!). Here's the cute little nut:

I asked my Father to get a shot of Genevieve, the "normal" crawler, to post next to this picture. As soon as the camera headed her direction she pulled out a good imitation of Jackson's crawl - very tricky, don't you think?! I know they understand us when we speak!!
What else is new? Genevieve has a 3rd tooth - 1 for the top now! She delights in gnawing away on my knee, which results in delightful wet patches on my jeans. The things I put up with... :-).
I was telling Grandma about my dear daughter and the fact she bites me, and Bentley picked up on the expression. He wandered around for half the afternoon saying "bite me"! He had the tone just right, it was very cute and I laughed every time.
Perhaps she's busy chewing on Jackson, too, when I'm not looking - I've noticed Jackson has taken to proactive assault lately. Yesterday he slammed his sister into a wall (grabbed her hair and pushed, of course!). She crawled away, crying, to sit in a different part of the room. He followed her and pushed her over! The interaction is growing by leaps and bounds...
Speaking of interaction, Jackson and Bentley have been busy bonding! They chase each other through the kitchen and dining room every morning. Bentley crawls to accomodate Jackson's slower pace - what a thoughtful brother - and they giggle up a storm. That is - they giggle until it turns into war and then I normally hear cries of outrage from Jackson.

It's a zoo around here!
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