Yesterday evening Kara put together the sand and water table and the picnic table. While she was working on doing that, I let Bentley out the French doors into the back yard. He headed right for the basket ball hoop. He later tried out the slide. He enjoyed himself until he fell and got the knees of his jeans wet. He does not like to be dirty or wet.

Genevieve liked the sand and water table. She has nothing against being wet.

Jackson LOVED the swing. He laughed and grinned. Genevieve had some odd expressions on her face while swinging. Sometimes she looked happy, but other times she looked a little ill.

It was a fun time for everyone, although we should have put coats on the littlest ones. Their hands were frozen when we took them inside. Kara pulled out a hot water bottle to warm them up.
Right after we went inside and put the kids in their warmest sleepers, fire trucks started pouring into the neighborhood. Matt, who was outside doing yard work, went over to check out the action which was two blocks to the west. Next Mark went over with his camera to get a shot of a fire truck for Bentley. Then Matt returned and took Bentley over to see the fire trucks. It was a garage fire that was quickly contained. It was amazing how many fire trucks showed up!
So what do you think we woke up to this morning?! It was a dreary, cloudy day. Then it began to rain. Now it's snowing big, fat flakes. Lots and lots of them. I don't usually mind snow this time of year because it goes away quickly and it's lovely to watch falling, but it's annoying today because the threesome won't be able to enjoy their toys in the back yard. It's just too cold for their little hands. The sand and water table will be a sand and slush table today. BRRRR!
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