Jackson and Genevieve like food. They like to play with it. They like to spit it out at you and on you. They like to let it slide down their chins. Genevieve likes to smear it in her hair. Jackson likes to smash it on the table. And, thankfully, they like to eat it, too.

Those of you without young babies have probably forgotten just how long it takes to feed a baby. (How many of you have had the joy of feeding two babies at the same time?!) Sometimes the twins are amusing while they eat, but often they are annoying. They clamp their lips shut. They make awful faces when they don't like the food. They turn their heads away from you to avoid the spoon. They turn their heads away to see what's happening elsewhere. They grab for the container with the food in it. It's no easy trick keeping the bowl out of their reach and yet close enough to their mouth that you don't drip food all over the floor and baby trying to get the spoon quickly to their mouth. They protest every time you clean their faces. They protest if you don't feed them fast enough.
They throw finger foods on the floor. They drop finger foods down their front. They make an awful mess when eating crackers. They make a worse mess when eating small banana pieces. They require close supervision so they don't choke. They laugh and giggle when eating.
Hmm, this was supposed to be a post about how wonderful it is that the twins like to eat. It's so much easier than with Bentley who didn't like wasting time on eating. Did I make it sound easier?! Sorry twins! You really are a delight at meal times. We love it that you like food. We are quite willing to take the necessary time to spoon the food in or the time needed to let you feed yourself. You are awesome (and cute) babies. Keep up the good appetites!

I do have to give Bentley credit though, he's always been a neat eater. The twins don't have that...handicap?
1 comment:
Either G & J are really small, or those are some BIG Bumpkin's bibs! Where did you find them? More importantly, do they have a lock and key for the back so that the babes can't yank them off.
Finn and Reid need more "surface area" in the bib dept!
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