Before heading out to visit my parents with the grandbabies I pull out my big blue bag and I fill it with toys and books and blankets to keep the babies and toddler amused at their great-grandparents' home. (I'm planning on scouring garage sales this summer and acquiring a toy collection that stays at the great-grandparents.) I take this bag and, if Bentley is coming, a second play pen for napping (Kara got a $5 play pen at a garage sale and it's stored there all the time), and, of course their diaper bag.
When I arrive at my parents' home I make five or six trips in with the three kids and all the necessary paraphernalia. Once I get it all in I have to unpack the babies while keeping my eye on Bentley. Then I go to the spare bedroom and haul out the baby pen I keep there. It's a set of six interlocking pieces that form a large pen to keep the babies out of the plants, the kitchen, and the dining room, and in my sight.
They don't like the pen, but I use it when I have to do something like make their bottles and I want to be sure they aren't into trouble. My parents' home is not baby proof. So far I can keep track of three kids, but when the twins get up to full toddler speed, I'm not going to be able to do that. As it is Bentley once in a while disappears down the hall into the back bedrooms. He thinks it's fun to play hide and seek.
My goal on Wednesday afternoons is to get all three kids to nap at the same time so that I can read a book for 30-60 minutes. My father--the reason I go out to my parents' home on Wednesdays--requires very little care from me. I make him lunch and sometimes for a treat I make him Tollhouse cookies. He watches tv and naps. Often he tells me that the babies are beautiful. I agree.
So, my goal is to have a free half hour (or more!) while the kidlets nap and refill their good humor tanks. Sometimes I make my goal. Usually I do not. On a recent Wednesday both Genevieve and Bentley refused to nap. Genevieve kept climbing on top of her twin and crying inconsolably. (Okay, that's not true--she was quite willing to be consoled, if only I would pick her up.) It took Bentley a half hour to give up protesting and go to sleep. Some afternoons are like that.
Yesterday afternoon was awesome. Genevieve fell asleep while drinking her bottle. I put her down in the play pen in my mom's bedroom. I immediately came back for Jackson and put him down. He was awake, but didn't make a fuss about going down for a nap. Not a single cry or shriek! Bentley stayed up with me for another 45 minutes nursing a small cup of milk in an effort to avoid nap time. I eventually put him down in the play pen in the spare bedroom with a book and a car. He protested for five minutes. Quite acceptable. Then I had my free time! It stretched into 45 minutes before Genevieve got up. WOW! WOW! WOW!
When my mom returns from her errands, she spends time with the great-grandchildren before we leave. Eventually it's time to pack up. I have to put away the large baby pen, take down and pack up the second play pen, search out the toys strewn around the living room, check the kitchen for bottles and formula left on the counter, pack up Genevieve and Jackson in their car seats, make five trips to the truck, strap in the three kids, and finally I drive home. If I'm lucky Mark is home before I am and I get some help hauling everything back into my house. If I'm not lucky, I make five or six trips into the house and then more trips up the stairs.
I haven't taken the camera out to my parents' home to record our Wednesday adventures. I'll try to remember to do that. I'm sure the kidlets will want to have a photo record of their traditional Wednesday play date with their great-grandfather.
I have a photo of my mom with the three great-grandchildren taken on her birthday, January 31st, which is Bentley's birthday, too. I'm also posting a recent photo of me with the twins.

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