They trapped me in a corner in the kitchen one evening. In desperation I had to reach over my head and put the camera on the counter before they trashed it. Seriously. Genevieve was grabbing for the lens while Jackson pulled on the spiral cord that connects the extra batteries to the flash. Yet another photo op ruined by the twins inability to keep their distance from the photographer. (The paparazzi should be so lucky as I am.)

Here's a photo of Genevieve chewing on the same cord. This is not an activity that opa allows. Too bad for him that I don't respect his camera as much as he does. (I hate that camera--you do NOT want me to get started on that topic.)

If you were to look at our recent picasa photo album you'd see lots of photos of the twins in their high chairs. This is because we can strap them in place and take their photos uninterrupted. It's so nice!

Another trick is to put them on their little ride-on cars. They don't yet know how to get on or off or ride the cars by themselves, so they just sit there holding tightly on to the steering wheel. Unless, of course, their older brother comes along and decides to push one of the cars. I tell you, it's a zoo some days.

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