The first time we went Genevieve was enthralled. The next time Jackson really enjoyed it, too. Bentley usually sits and watches quietly, but last week he got up and approached the librarian three different times! At the end of story time the librarian stamps the babies' hands. It wasn't until the fourth time we attended that Bentley allowed this--and then he went back for a stamp on the other hand, too. Here's his hand stamps from today:

Usually there are 15 or so babies that attend. Kara invited Amrita to join us there last week, but she couldn't make it. She came this week and there were a record 26 babies. (Well, 25 plus Bentley. He was the oldest child there today.) The twins seem to really enjoy seeing all the other babies and doing the little songs with us. It's a hit with them. We plan to attend every other Friday with Amrita and her twinlets.

If you look closely, you will notice that the other babies at story time are ensconced in their mommy's lap. Not so the two sets of twins; they are lined up in a row. They are thrilled to be out of the house on an adventure.
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